Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Real Life = Real Heartbreak

For almost 3 years I embarked on the grand adventure of dating with children.  I thought "the Man" was the "One" so we took our time and tried our best to "get it right". 

Well that's all come crashing down!!  I feel like I've taken one those rides in TARDIS where it malfunctions and The Doctor has to attempt a safe landing in which the only thing that can be semi-guaranteed is that you'll live.  Yup, I that girl, walking around dazed and confused, but with all 10 fingers and toes, wondering where the heck I am and why on earth does I feel like I have a giant hole in my chest where my heart is supposed to be...

Can you tell we just broke up??  Can you tell I'm not very good at this stuff??  Well now you know.

However, in an attempt to seem like a productive human being on the road to recovery, I have made a list of things I would like to do now that I'm single again.

#1.  Actually blog... Books and crafts always make me happy... and food... and booze... and Jesus.  The point is that I should write about it. 

#2.  Sell what I craft... I'm still working out the kinks on this one because my craft is my art... no one likes unsold art.  That's a blow to my ego that I'm not sure I'm capable to dealing with right now.

#3.  Craft... If I'm gonna sell stuff, I better get to makin' stuff. 

#4.  Be present for my kiddo.  I spent my entire Labor Day at home in the same Doctor Who shirt I wore to church on Sunday and my Deathly Hallows socks.  I had a Hope Floats moment (if you've seen the movie, then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't then you need to simply because I said so).  Anyway, I'm a single mom and my kid needs me.  I can't check out on her like that... period.

#5.  Take my kiddo somewhere awesome.  Due to some complicated mess, our vacation to Orlando at the end of summer was cancelled  (bad attitudes, misappropriation of funds, and pneumonia).  When we were still together, it was promised that WE'D make it up to her.  Well now there is no WE... there's only ME.  But that doesn't discount the fact that my sweet girl missed out.  So I'M gonna make it up to her... I'm sensing a cruise in our future...

Well that's all I have for now.  I could mention spend time with friends and lose 20 lbs but that's boring and no one wants to  read about that. 

Very soon, I'll have a post of my opinion on American Gods by Neil Gaiman.  No Spoilers here folks so you have to stay tuned.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

In the beginning...

Welcome everyone to my blog!!  I've decided to try blogging so I can launch my second career as an icon of modern motherhood... SIKE!!

If you believe that I could ever take myself that seriously then, BLESS YOUR HEART, you obviously don't know me at all!!

And that is why I am here... so you can get to know me... because I am you, your best friend, you sister, and you neighbor.  My issues are no different than yours my friend. I'm just bold enough to pull back the curtain and let you peak in the windows into my life for a bit.

I've never met a woman that singularly focused on any thing so this blog isn't gonna be either.  I'm gonna ramble on about food, dieting, budgeting, crafting, faith, makeup, books, TV, music, my kiddo, my relationships, ETC!!!  Why???  Because that is life!!  We do it all!   I will try my best to keep my posts, or at least my thoughts organized, but I make no promises!!

So are you ready for the not-so-wild ride that is my life?!

Let's go!!

